I read the article “Texas To Face Buffet of Education Issues in 2014 Election Cycle from Education News. One of the most important issues in
Texas in 2014 is the Education budget in Texas. It is “shaping up to become the
top issue in the 2014 election campaigns.”
and Republicans both have different views on the situation, but each political
party has good views on the subject. In the upcoming election Candidates from
both parties are pushing for Texas to be number one in education even though
they have different ideals.
believe if the either one of the Candidates choose the proper amount of money
and distribute the money properly between the schools and faculty. The School
system of Texas then would thrive and cooperate more efficiently where the
state can rise from its low 47th rank. I recommend everyone to read this
article, but to also dive more deeply in this topic because it concerns a very
important issue in the Lone Star State.