Friday, December 12, 2014

GMO's, not my cup of tea.

My colleague Lydia Penturf has a good argument about GMO’s. In her blog entry GMO labeling in Texas she raises the question of labeling for GMO foods in Texas. Lydia mentions that GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms is bacterium, yeast, insect, plant and mammal whose genetic material has been altered. A good answer and question, but not the right question to ask, but it is close to an answer that is right. The question is who made GMO’s, could these organisms destroy our environment, and how is the organism altered. Most civilians or scientists who are paid to agree with studies will say things like the proper research has been done to prove GMO’s are safe, we have been doing this the whole time through the years with corn and other crops. This is just propaganda that is feed to people from the company profiting from these products.

                The company named Monsanto is who makes GMO’s. Now who is this company named Monsanto. It is a company founded by Hugh Grant in 1901. It has a quite a track record with DDT’s, PCB’s, and Agent Orange. That is just a few examples of the substances that this company has unleashed on the planet. Just by doing a little research (link provided) anyone can see that these substances have done major damage not just to the environment but to plants, animals and humans. All these substances have been banned here in the United States. The environment is balanced and substances unleashed upon it can hurt it very bad, for example plastic bags. Could these modified foods replace all of the normal organisms in the environment to wreak havoc upon the world like DDT’s, PCB’s and Agent Orange has. The organisms with some GMO’s are modified with bacterial DNA called CpG Motif. It’s a question just how can this affect the body. I certainly don’t feel like being a lab rat to find out.

                The studies done with GMO’s that have been approved are really bad studies done and raise quite a bit of questions about how they were done. Here is a link to studies done against and for GMO’s.(link to studies) No, we have been doing this the entire time through-out history, we have not been taking microscopes and injecting different bacteria such as CpG Motif into the organism or bacteria to prevent a chemical called round-up from killing the plant, but it kills all the bugs and organisms around it. It that really safe, research certainly says no, but this isn’t approved by everyone in the world. Just like DDT’s hasn’t been banned around the world, but it is in America. Not enough food in the world because people are starving certainly is a lie because food has been turned into an industry.  Food is sitting on selves at grocery stores until it becomes spoils, but is thrown away because someone expects money for it. Some of this food could give vitamin A to some children suffering from blindness in another country instead of fake rice made in a lab that could possibly hurt the kids in long run like cancer in the eyes instead of blindness.

                In my opinion, maybe we shouldn’t trust a company that has such a track record and one that lobbies heavily and does classified work through-out the government. The funniest thing is, the company offers jobs to individuals who help get their products passed to sell. For example, multiple people who work for Monsanto are former workers from the FDA that passed products for them. I don’t think GMO’s should be labeled, I believe they should be banned just like all their other products that destroyed our environment. Just how many skeletons does this company have hidden that has been classified. Will we continue to let big businesses destroy the environment until we all die or will we wake up?

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Plastic Bag Ban, Is it really helpful?

            A controversial issue in Austin has been present since the ordinance was introduced to ban plastic bags. I agree with this idea somewhat, but I kind of disagree with the way it was implemented. I think citizens of Austin should have had more time to transfer to another resource.
            The main reason this idea is a good reason to implement is because it will save the environment quite a bit. The ordinance will not save the entire environment, because every citizen will not obey the law. Also only the plastic bags disappeared when the problem is plastic its’ self. Companies around the world continue to manufacture plastic products that are sold everywhere in the world including Austin. So the people are still just throwing their trash in the streets as they please. There needs to be another idea put into place.
            Perhaps they could start making materials out of different substances. Decomposable materials would be a lot of help instead of the plastic sitting in areas for a long time. The earth would benefit greatly from having nutrients pumped into it the places that now have useless trash sitting. A lot these products are still gathering up in areas such as our streams and rivers that provide water not just to humans but to the life around the world. Overall the ordinance is a good idea, but it can only do so much. Therefore, a better solution is required for the future.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Voting, Should we or should we not?

               Mr. Bagby puts forth a very interesting point on his blog. Voters don’t care, why should you? He put forth “Maybe they feel as if their… vote doesn’t count.”  A vote does count, but it doesn’t always count in certain situations. If a certain amount of people are persuaded to vote towards a policy or elected official, even if that policy or elected official could hurt them. A vote towards the right vote wouldn’t count than. As Bagby said most people don’t always understand their where political leaders stand on issues.
               Bagby does quite well by also pointing out survey polls show that the average American doesn’t involve themselves in politics and usually just conforms to the way life is presented to them. As mentioned by Bagby we face complex issues in society. Aren’t the politicians suppose represent us and do their job to the best of their ability. Sometimes to me it seems like the only reason some ideologies or political figures are mentioned, is because the businesses want these polices or people there.
               Over all, Bagby does an excellent job on this entry. He points out not everyone has a fair chance depending on their situation. The little guy does need to have a voice and needs the proper representative in office. Adjusting and providing alternatives can help greatly to provide the correct progress and security. As individuals and voters, we should all be interested in the politics around us or we could end up in a situation similar to Nazi Germany, which no one needs a repeat of.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Extending the Metrorail

            As Austin expands its area and population, a major question has been raised.  Should Austin extend the Metrorail? I believe Austin should extend the Metrorail, but should extend it to all citizens and major points in the city of Austin. The metrorail should be on a bridge system or have bridges over major traffic congestion points.
            Austin will sooner or later develop a rail system like the major cities of the Earth. Austin’s rail line needs to be built correctly and efficiently. The rail needs to supply all types of people. The rail line needs to be cheap while benefiting the people with multiple trains, while trying to supply many people by having multiple locations to stop. It can to be cheap while benefiting the people by taking the money earned from charging the riders and putting it towards purchasing more trains and rails. Multiple trains with multiple stops that have short waiting periods at each stopping location would help a lot. Instead of having to wait 30 minutes, the time should be cut down to 15 minutes to make a higher possibility of more passengers. Locations such as 6th street require a stop to help prevent DWI’s. I also believe the capital should have a very much, well deserved stop. The rail line needs a bridge system, but since that can become very expensive. I recommend bridges be built over major congestion points, especially downtown streets. If the train runs across the streets of downtown it will stop multiple streets at once and cause even worst traffic congestion in Austin.
            Overall any rail line proposed needs to help traffic and connect the city to help secure riders. Therefore the rail line could provide more money to produce even more trains and more rail lines to connect the different locations throughout the city like the trains of other major cities.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Endorsing a Vote for the City of Austin

                 The city of Austin needs voters to vote on an important issue on November 4, 2014. Proposition 1 is a subject everyone registered should vote upon. Even if you are not registered, I recommend looking into this proposition.  It would provide funds to help transportation. 

                  Road improvements are a very important thing to fund, the proposition would help better construct roads and add newer roads. The proposition would also fund to build a rail line trough Austin, perhaps reducing the car traffic. The rail line would link many locations such as Downtown, the UT campus, and the new ACC campus just to name a few. 

                  The author of the Burnt Orange Report puts forth a very good point. Prop 1 would lessen the burden on tax payers by taking money from the rainy day fund and push it towards road construction and a rail line. The author was overall persuasive with his article - Endorsing a Vote for the City of Austin Proposition 1. He puts a very interesting idea of augmenting bus routes with the rail line to provide more cross town linking. 

                  Even though this article is good, the author missed one of the major points. How are the funds going to be distributed among the construction and the rail line? Even though a few blips in the article. I recommend reading this article, but also researching more into the topic. Personally, I would also recommend voting yes on Proposition 1.